Welcome to blog.janishutz.com

What can you expect from this blog?

I am planning to write about a lot of different topics, but mostly about Linux, the Open Source world, software development, and occasionally I’ll create some guides

Who am I?

You can visit my about me page on my main website

In short, I do software development and am a Linux enthusiast and open source advocate.

How often will there be new posts?

This is something I haven’t decided on, and I probably won’t have a schedule, like ever. There will be a new post, if I find a topic to write about that is interesting or pressing currently or just a massive rant about some stupid development in the world of tech.

How is the content organized?

I try to keep everything organized as much as possible and might go in and change categories and tags of older articles to other ones if I find that new tags or categories fit the content of the article better.

How was this website created?

Usually, I do my own stuff, but this time, for simplicity reasons, I have chosen to go with Hugo, the static site generator, and I am using the DoIt theme for it.